Values are powerful, not as a set of words displayed behind reception but as a set of shared beliefs that express who you are and what’s important to your organisation. The best values guide the choices you make and the way you act.
A successful business is one that molds its organisational culture around a set of core beliefs or values that help provide a focus to its vision. For social entrepreneurs and businesses with a mission beyond profit, values are a powerful tool.
Creating great brands and great customer experiences starts with values. Brands are created by the sum of impressions, memories and experiences a person has of us.
Being able to ground your brand and customer experience in values that have an authentic social, ethical or political edge can be a formidable.
Values with a social edge can help capture the attention of new customers and build a sense of loyalty from your customers based on a shared set of ideals.
A set of values that define your organisational culture can also help attract and retain staff. Whilst everyone needs to earn a living, most people are also seeking more from their careers. Working for a business whose owners who want to make a difference in the world, and doing work that has value can offer an attractive and fulfilling opportunity that gives you a competitive edge when looking to hire great talent.
In our research agencies Alterline and Alterline Health, Nick and I have found that through a commitment to improving the lives of students and patients we’ve been able to bring our personal values to life. In doing so, we’re attracting clients that are a joy to work with because they’re seeking meaningful change, and have built a team of colleagues who are passionate about the work that they do.
If you’re a business owner interested in exploring how unlocking your brand values could help move your business forward, why not book a free starter session with an Adnovar mentor today.